Season of Gratitude

And, just like that it’s November.

The season of gratitude, thankfulness and blessings. Let’s pause for a moment and give ourselves some love for coming this far and making it through one impactful and challenging year.

What do you have to be thankful for? Good health, family, friends, great career.

As I reflect back on this year, I’m thankful for the blessings given to me by either of a helping hand or offering of ones heart or ear.

I’m grateful for my family who are standing near although far away. I’m blessed to reconnect with hearts from the past and gain new friendships this year.

Most of all, I’m grateful for my son who has been a pure treasure in my life for without him I wouldn’t have felt so deep and come thus far.

‘‘Tis the season for gratitude, thankfulness and blessings.

Have a Blessed and Restful Sunday, Friends.


Our Adoption Announcement from 2016